In Articles, Barbara Lott Holland, Bus Riders Union, Eric Mann, Fight For The Souls OF The Cities, Strategy & Soul, The Labor Community Strategy Center, Upcoming Events, VIRTUAL EVENT

The Labor/Community Strategy Center

and our National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing
Invite you to

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa And the Genius of Walter Rodney

An interrogation, conversation, and celebration among revolutionary organizers. We will discuss a Pan Africanist solidarity with the Third World and the strategic centrality of an anti-imperialist internationalism. We will engage the complex ideas of Walter Rodney and explore the obligations and opportunities to support African National Liberation and Self-Determination

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2022 | 6 – 8 PM PST


Channing Martinez—director of organizing, the Strategy Center today

Eric Mann—director of LCSC The Launch of the National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing

Lecture by Robin D.G. Kelley

Gary Nash professor of history at UCLA, author of Hammer and Hoe, Freedom Dreams, and faculty member of the National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing

The Genius of Walter Rodney—How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Legacies and Lessons for Today’s Movement

Imani Countess—U.S. Africa Bridge-Building Project

Jamala Rogers—Executive Director, Organization of Black Struggle

Ash-Lee Henderson—Co-Executive Director, Highlander Center

 Akunna Uka—Strategy Center volunteer leader

Barbara Lott-Holland—LCSC Associate Director— The last word

(other panelists to be announced)