As the holidays approach, let’s fight for nuclear disarmament, Black liberation, women’s liberation, and climate reparations for the Third World. Our Movement is on the upswing. All of us fighting for social justice should nurture each other and ourselves—and be proud of the battles we wage.
Today, as you look up at the giant billboard at the historic corner of King and Crenshaw Blvd., you see Barbara Lott-Holland, Emily Zamora, Channing Martinez, Akunna Uka, and Eric Mann. We are calling on the public to join the Bus Riders Union, fight for employment for Black people, and stop U.S. Attacks on Africa and the Third World. Yes, we talk like this in 2022 and people respect our work and are listening to our message.
We run the Strategy and Soul Movement Center, Strategy and Soul Books, Strategy and Soul Films, and our Fight for the Soul of the Cities Community Organizing Office.
We organize the historic Bus Riders Union fighting for 500,000 transit riders—20 percent of whom are Black, 55 percent Latin@, 60 percent Black and Latinx women, and 80 percent profoundly poor.
Our Strategy and Soul Social Justice Clubs involve high school students fighting for the rights of the 50,000 Black students in L.A. public schools and all 650,000 L.A. students, of whom more than 70 percent are Latinx.
We are happy to announce the new incarnation of Voices from the Frontlines—Wake up and Smell the Revolution radio show/podcast at our new 8 am time—beginning November 28 at 8 a.m. on KPFK 90.7 FM!
We need to raise at least $100,000 by the end of the year
If you would be willing to contribute $100 now and join our sustainers program for $25 a month that would give us $400 for the year.
If you could contribute $250 now and $50 a month that would give us $850 for the year.
If you could stretch to give $500 now and $50 a month that would give us $1,100 for the year.
Please give as generously as you can because it takes many pledges to get to $100,000
Our National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing has trained more than 100 of the best organizers in the country, many of whom still work with us today and other leading social justice groups throughout the U.S. We hope to re-start our residency programs in the summer of 2023. Those programs alone will cost $100,000.
Our NLSSO has organized two pathbreaking public education programs—both in person and remotely—in which more than 400 people from all over the country participated. Join our email list and you’ll be invited to all future programs.
On February 17, we organized The Genius of Walter Rodney: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa featuring Patricia Rodney, Asha Rodney, Robin D.G. Kelley, Jamala Rogers of the Organization of Black Struggle, Ash-lee Henderson of the Highlander Center, and Imani Countess of U.S. Africa Bridge Building Project. We believe in building broad united fronts for social justice.
On October 27, we hosted Dr. MaryLouise Patterson who spoke about the continuing legacy of U.S. anti-Black genocide based on her father’s momentous work: We Charge Genocide: Petition to the United Nations on the Crimes of the U.S. Government Against the Negro People. Eric Mann and Akunna Uka spoke about The System’s continuing anti-Black genocide in Los Angeles today and our struggle to challenge it.
Why do we focus so much on history? If you don’t know the long history of oppressed people’s resistance from 1492 to the present you are trapped in the present with no past and no future—and no chance to transform and dismantle the world system of imperialism. Our members from 16 to 90 are all trained in world revolutionary history.
We are fighting to make history today
The Strategy Center worked with Students Deserve, Black Lives Matter, Inner City Struggle, Community Coalition, and UTLA to defund the Los Angeles School Police Department by $25 million—and used the money for Black students and schools. We need your help because the police are pushing to reverse our victory.
Our coalition won more than $100 million for Black Student Achievement. We need your help to monitor these programs for effectiveness and accountability and win another $100 million for Black students and schools.
Your generous donation helps us shape the policies of the Los Angeles MTA—a mass transit system used by 500,000 passengers—and the LAUSD, a public-school system of 650,000 students. These fights are big picture, high impact campaigns that shape the politics of and life in Los Angeles and the U.S.
We fight for women’s abortion rights, support shelters for women who are victims of domestic abuse, and are active in the peace movement. We work in broad coalitions to stop Trump and the fascists and oppose Biden’s threats of world war.
We are part of the Third World and fight to stop the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that bring famine to Africa. We fight against U.S. vaccine apartheid and work internationally with Demand Climate Justice to push the world’s governments to reverse their policies of ecological Armageddon.
We are a civil rights, Black liberation, climate justice group fighting for the rights of Black and Latinx working people and address the totality of their lives. They are our staff. They are our members. They are us!
We are elated about the historic victory of Karen Bass, our long-time friend and ally, as the mayor of Los Angeles. As Mayor, Ms. Bass holds 4 votes on the MTA board and will have a powerful impact on the L.A. City Council as well. We look forward to working closely with the mayor to amplify the impact of our work at the grassroots with Black and Latinx working people.
We are poised for significant breakthroughs ahead. With your generous contribution we will continue to make history.
With great appreciation,
Eric, Channing, Barbara, Emily, Akunna, Julian, and the Strategy Center Team