Food by Earle’s on Crenshaw
$1 Hot Dogs, $1 Fries, $1 Salad $1 Coffee, $1 Churros $1 coffee, $1 ice cream $1 churros and much more.

Celebrate The Labor/Community Strategy Center’s 33rd Birthday
The Labor/Community Strategy Center’s 33rd Birthday
Check out our Dy-no-mite billboard at King and Crenshaw
The Greatness of South-Central L.A
Luiz Inácio Lula’s revolutionary election victory in Brazil
Our relentless fight to Stop MTA Police Attacks on Black Passengers
Stay tuned for new celebrations daily
We will have activities for the whole family
Welcome Children and Grandparents and anyone in between

Strategy & Soul Afro-Cuban Drum Circle
In October we launched the Strategy and Soul Drum Circle with a wonderful teacher; Richard Marquez. We’re so grateful that Eric has been taking classes with Richard for more than 5 months and introduced Afro-Cuban drumming as an organization wide activity.
Join us for round two, as we drum to Afro-Cuban classics: Aguanile, Quimbera, Yenyere, and others.

Strategy & Soul Books
We’ll host a book signing and conversation with Eric Mann.
Help us build the Strategy and Soul bookstore by purchasing forty great books for the revolutionary organizer.

DJ & Karaoke
The day would not be complete without great tunes and the opportunity to showcase our best voices and our worst voices as we sing the afternoon away to out favorite tunes.