The Labor/Community Strategy Center
and our National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing
Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson
Invites you to
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa And the Genius of Walter Rodney
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2022 | 6 – 8 PM PST
What an opportunity it is to join beloved comrades for the launch of the National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing! To begin this journey with study and debate about one of Walter Rodney’s greatest contributions to our theoretical and historic foundation—”How Europe Underdeveloped Africa”—with some of the most respected and dedicated organizers and brilliant social movement theoreticians amongst us, is an event not to be missed.
In the current political climate, where racialized capitalism has underinvested in so many of our communities, bringing seasoned organizers together not only to access what got us here, but to debate what multi-tactical strategies can move us toward liberation is critically important.
I can’t wait to be one in the number. Spread the word. Join us.
Much love and solidarity,
Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson
Co-Executive Director
Highlander Research & Education Center
Channing Martinez—director of organizing, the Strategy Center today
Eric Mann—director of LCSC The Launch of the National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing
Lecture by Robin D.G. Kelley
Gary Nash professor of history at UCLA, author of Hammer and Hoe, Freedom Dreams, and faculty member of the National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing
The Genius of Walter Rodney—How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Legacies and Lessons for Today’s Movement
Imani Countess—U.S. Africa Bridge-Building Project
Jamala Rogers—Executive Director, Organization of Black Struggle
Ash-Lee Henderson—Co-Executive Director, Highlander Center
Akunna Uka—Strategy Center volunteer leader
Barbara Lott-Holland—LCSC Associate Director— The last word