Theater of the Oppressed
Join us this this Saturday for the Strategy and Soul weekly Block Party. Barbara Lott-Holland will lead a Theater of the Oppressed session focused on ending the MTA Apartheid Pass. Over the last year Metro spent time studying how to implement fareless transportation following multiple meetings with the Bus riders Union. On May 27th the Metro board will vote on a pilot program which includes a means/income test. Any income test, especially one that would force 70% of Metro riders who are Black and Latino to prove poverty even as the fare box only accounts for 13% of the $8 BILLION Metro budget is racist by its very nature. Combined with Metro’s $35 Million vote of confidence in the LAPD, LA Sheriffs, and Long Beach Police in arresting, ticketing and brutalizing Black passengers, Metro is running an apartheid transportation system which must be stopped. We need your help in urging the Metro to implement and submit a vote of confidence in the Bus Riders Union 20 year demand for Free Public Transportation without any racist caveats.
Join us tomorrow at 12pm for Theater of the oppressed to learn details about the campaign and how to organize people in our network to support the Bus Riders Union.
The Block party will begin at 10am with coffee and refreshments available, Strategy and Soul Books, Strategy and Soul Lending Library, and a great flea market. Seating during the program will be first come first serve with a maximum of 20 seats. Face masks required.