In Actions, Bus Riders Union, Fight For The Souls OF The Cities, Free Public Transit Campaign, School to Prison Pipeline, Upcoming Events

Bus Riders Union Week of Action

No Police in LAUSD Schools

No MTA Next Gentrification Service Cuts

Free Public Transportation

September 14-19 2020

Tuesday September 15 2020 3PM
LAUSD Headquarters: 333 S Beaudry Ave.
Join us in Solidarity with Students Deserve and Black Lives Matter for a Rally to Defund LA School Police

This Summer the Strategy Center worked in coalition with LAUSD Board Member Monica Garcia, Students Deserve, Black Lives Matter, Inner City Struggle and Brothers Sons Selves to win a $25 Million- 35% cut to the LA School Police Budget. See Eric Mann’s Article for the full story. Now its time to reaproach the Board to make sure the remaining $40 Million goes to Black Students and ends the Police State inside LA Schools. Thanks to Students Deserve for the Initiative. Join us tomorrow at 3pm.

Wednesday September 16 2020 1:30PM
Stop the NexGen 20% Service Cut to MTA Bus Service

This Wednesday Metro will host a Budget Public Hearing on the 2021 Budget. Metro Plans to make semi finalized plans on their NextGen(trification) Bus Project which will cut Bus Service by 20%. We want MTA to Stop ALL bus service cuts and double the bus service NOW! These Service cuts are a direct attack on the Black communty, the Latinx Community, and the Planet. LA is the Car Capital of the world and Black people in particular have been targeted on Metro buses and trains with “Fare Evasion” tickets attempting to drive them/us off the trains and buses. The MTA says that ridership is down so they want to cut more service. No, if you lower the fares to zero and double the bus service you will also double your ridership. We need as many people as possible to make public comments in support of the Bus Riders Union and against the NextGen 20% Bus Service Cuts. Use the button below to let us know you’ll make it.

Saturday September 19 2020 12PM
Exposition & Crenshaw Blvd
Free Public Transportation Double MTA Bus Service Now Rally

Join us Saturday as we build momentum for our Fight Transit Racism campaign. While the MTA has annouced a “study” for Free Public Transportation we want them to implent it not just study it. The MTA also announced a 20% Service Cut while continuing to fund rail construction projects to nowhere. Crenshaw and Exposition has become a key intersection in South LA where the current Expo line will exchange with the coming Crenshaw line, but only after a significant cuts and redirection of service to force bus riders to use rail service they originally had no intention of using.