In Climate, Lists

Building a Movement In the Face of a Terrifying Time

Building a Movement In the Face of a Terrifying Time The recently concluded elections are terrifying. Donald Trump won more than 60 percent of the white vote with an explicit plan to attack immigrants and bring the police against “left wing” people. He is moving to dismantle some of the already fragile rights we have [...]

Join the Strategy Center at the Left Coast Forum

Panel Session The Strategy Center’s Free Public Transportation Stop MTA Attacks on Black Riders Campaign Barbara Lott-Holland Carlos "Elmo" Gomez Stephanie Prieto Channing Martinez Brigette Amaya Labor Community Strategy Center The Labor/Community Strategy Center is carrying out a Free Public Transportation Stop MTA Attacks on Black Passengers Campaign but there is virtually no white or [...]

COP21: US is ‘Major Obstacle’ to Climate Change, Says Manuel Criollo

teleSUR English speaks to Manuel Criollo, the director of organizing at the U.S.-based Labor rights and environmental campaign group The Strategy Center about the possible failure of nations to reach an agreement in COP21 climate change talks and what any forthcoming pact could mean for Latin America. Delegates from numerous countries have been locked in negotiations for [...]

Will a Climate War Pit Police Against Communities of Color?

Originally published in Less Magazine. We’ve gotten a taste of what police militarization looks like—in cases like the events following police killings of black men in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore. Barbara Lott-Holland, associate director at the Labor Community Strategy Center in Los Angeles, worries that these confrontations will only intensify as the threat of climate […]

Posts From Paris: The World is on Fire but the United Nations is Not

The World is on Fire. But can the governments of the world put it out? I am here in Paris at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This is a critical struggle by the world’s governments to see if we can protect the planet from the ravages of the capitalist economic system. The [...]

Defend the President’s Climate Rules from Republican Attacks; Defend the Planet from President Obama and the Democrats

The Republican Senate just voted to reject plans by President Obama and the EPA to dramatically reduce emissions from coal power plants. This is reactionary politics. It is also political theater that plays right into the hands of the President. This allows President Obama to create the illusion that he is the embattled climate warrior--going [...]

Prelude to Paris: Four Tragic Tactics by President Obama and Four Climate Justice Proposals He Must Support

In December 2015 the world's governments will meet in Paris for a truly historic event -- the United Nations Framework Climate Change Conference. (UNFCCC). The objective of the conference is to protect Mother Earth from the assault of its most ungrateful inhabitants. The challenge is whether Homo sapiens, especially those of the ruling classes of [...]

President Obama: You Must Deposit $10 billion into the Green Climate Fund Now

PRESIDENT OBAMA: YOU MUST DEPOSIT $10 BILLION INTO THE GREEN CLIMATE FUND NOW For the “Loss and Damages” and Reparations to the Nations and Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America suffering from U.S. climate abuses. Barbara Lott-Holland Associate Director: Labor/Community Strategy Center & Fight for the Soul of the Cities Barbara Lott-Holland Associate Director: […]

Huffington Post Article: “President Obama: No Cars in L.A. and the U.S., No Tanks in L.A. and the U.S.”

Written by: Eric Mann, Director of the Labor Community Strategy Center, Revolutionary, Civil Rights, Anti-war, Labor, and Environmental Justice Organizer. Originally Posted on Huffington Post On May 19 in front of Augustus Hawkins High School in South Los Angeles — on the 90th anniversary of Malcolm X’s birthday — 100 Black and Latino high school […]