In Bus Riders Union, Campaigns, Fight For The Souls OF The Cities, Fundraising, Strategy & Soul, Strategy & Soul Film Showing, The Labor Community Strategy Center
Strategy Center banner that says "The Revolution will be Strategized". Below the text, there is a college of organizers throughout 2020. At the top of the header sits the Strategy Center logo.

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The Revolution will be Strategized

Virtual Party and Fundraiser

December 10, 2020 | 6PM PST

Join the Strategy Center for a great virtual celebration of 31 years of movement building!

Help us celebrate great breakthroughs in 2020, including the launch of the Strategy and Soul Thursday Night Revolutionary Organizing Filmand Book Club, the Defunding the LA School Police by 35% — $25 million — made possibly by our great work with InnerCity Struggle, Students Deserve, Black Lives Matter LA and Moving MTA toward Free Public Transportation. We also established our monthly Strategy and Soul Block Party, which we hope to resume in person in the coming year.

Throughout the program, we’ll have exciting virtual activities and a musical performance to be announced soon.

Tickets on sale now.

 Banner for the Strategy Center's 2020 End of the Year Campaign. The Strategy center logo sits atop yellow text that says "The Strategy Center gives appreciation." Below, in white text, "We hope you will show appreciation for our work through a generous contribution." At the bottom, there is a collage of movement builders. From left to right Justin Blake, Gregory Bennett Jr., Tanya McLean, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Rashida Tlaib, Channing Martinez, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Bernie Sanders.