Make A Plan Today To Make Sure Your Vote Counts!
Prepared for the Strategy Center by Lian Hurst Mann
Strategy and Soul Film Club Leadership Group

The Easiest Plan for Most People
- Register or check registration
- Receive Mail-in Ballot
- Mark your ballot, seal, and sign very carefully
- Drop your ballot in a secure Drop Box or Mail in your ballot
- Track your ballot

What’s Your Plan?
Use the attached PDF to keep yourself on track
___I will check my registration on__________
___My Ballot Arrived on__________
___I will mark my ballot, seal it, and sign it carefully on__________
___I will mail or drop my ballot in a secure drop box before__________
___I will sign up to track my ballot on__________
Register to Vote
- Register online or by mail no later than Oct 19
- Same Day Conditional Registration is possible at polling locations (This means that you can still register to vote if you
miss the Oct 19 deadline, but your ballot will be ONLY be counted once the county elections office has completed the
voter registration verification process.) - Check registration on above websites
- If you have not chosen a party affiliation, consider a new registration (there may be confusion about your ballot)
All California Registered Voters Will Receive A Vote By Mail Ballot
- Mailing begins Monday October 5—allow 5-7 days to receive
Fill Out Mail-in Ballot
- Vote—mark your choices clearly (Voting issue guides are available from many organizations)
- Signature—double-check your name on the mailing envelop and sign the exact same name (this is a big reason ballots get rejected so don’t let that happen to you).*
- If you need assistance with your ballot, you may choose up to two people to help you.** (This is an important right for voters who are elderly and/or disabled, who do you know who may need this assistance?)***
Vote Early
- In California the earliest received vote-by-mail ballots are the first to be counted!
Secure Drop Box Return
- Drop Box locations for mail-in ballots are listed in your Vote by Mail Packet (400 in Los Angeles can be found with the ‘locator tool’ on
- Polling places will also receive completed Mail-in ballots.
Mail-in Ballot
- Mail your ballot early to ensure receipt—again, in California the earliest received are the earliest counted.
- Ballots must be postmarked by Nov 3; received by Nov 20 at your county elections office.
- If you are not sure your vote-by-mail ballot will arrive in time if mailed, take it to any polling place in the state between 7am and 8pm on Election Day, November 3.
Early In-Person Voting
- You may vote in person beginning October 24-Nov. 3—at limited polling locations listed on your ballot envelop and on the web.
- Be aware that since everyone has already received a ballot, you must have your ballot with you and trade it if you prefer electronic voting. Remember to vote early.
- Election Day: November 3, 2020 7am-8pm
Track Your Ballot
- Sign-up at to receive automatic email, SMS (text), or voice call notifications about your ballot. Also,
*Signature verification: Former California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law in 2018 that requires election officials to notify voters at least eight days before the certification of the election when they reject a signature and give them a chance to provide a valid one. Even with that law, some ballots may go uncounted.
**Assistance for Voters with Disabilities: California is committed to ensuring every voter can cast their ballot privately and independently. For detailed, please check out your county Voter Information Guide.
Curbside voting allows you to park as close as possible to the voting area. Elections officials will bring you a roster to sign, a ballot, and any other voting materials you may need, whether you are actually at a curb or in a car. Contact your county elections office to see if curbside voting is available at your polling place or vote center.
All polling places and vote centers are required to be accessible to voters with disabilities and will have accessible voting machines.
Remote accessible vote-by-mail (RAVBM) systems provide an accessible option for voters with disabilities to receive their ballots at home and mark them independently and privately before sending them back to elections officials. Contact your county elections official for more information.
***Voting in Long-Term Care Facilities
Residents of long-term care facilities (including nursing homes and assisted living facilities) face additional barriers in voting this year. Residents should ensure that their ballots will be sent to their facility, and not a previous address.
While visitation is restricted, ombudspeople are tasked with providing assistance to residents who may need help physically filling out a ballot, or those with cognitive or intellectual disabilities may need additional support in filling out a ballot.
(Under the Voting Rights Act, only a court of law may determine whether or not a qualified voter is mentally incompetent for the purposes of voting.)