Join the Bus Riders Union Today May 27th, 2021 11am
at the Metro Board Meeting
To Fight for Fareless Transportation for All
No Means Tests
No Public Attestation
No Board Delay Tactics
Join the Bus Riders Union tomorrow May 26th, 2021 at 11am virtually at the Metro Board Meeting.
We’re calling on Mayor Eric Garcetti, Board Members Holly Mitchell, and Hilda Solis to vote for Fareless Transportation for all passengers.
At tomorrow’s board meeting there are two items on the agenda focusing on Fareless Transportation.
1) Item 45 brought by Mayor Garcetti, and Board Members Holly Mitchell & Paul Krekorian calls for the implementation fareless transportation system in which passengers, 70% working class and 80% Black and Latinx must attest publicly that they are poor and deserve public transportation. Further, the Metro then calls for local school districts to pay the bill for fareless transportation; even as more than 50% of the Metro’s budget is slated to build rail and highway projects that no one asked for and will serve to further exacerbate both gentrification in South LA and the ongoing climate disaster that LA Cars have helped to create.
2) Item 46 brought by Board Members Janice Hahn, Hilda Solis, Ara Najarian, James Butts, Tim Sandoval, and Fernando Dutra, calls for a delay of any fareless transportation pilot under until there is guaranteed insurance that not one cent of project budgets (rail and highway construction projects) are cut in order to pay for fareless transportation. This is a poison pill to kill any discussion of free public transportation and is tied to the rail lobby. How could board members Solis and Hahn even consider such a destructive motion?
While item 45 is moving in the direction of free and item 46 is a delay tactic by the board we think both of these motions are dangerous and serve to find the best way for Metro to say no to fareless transportation.
We call on Board Members to pass the Bus Riders Union Plan for Free Public Transportation.
- Implement the fareless transportation pilot for all passengers
- Institute an immediate reduction in all fares to 50 cents for a one-way trip with free transfers.
- Free Public Transportation for all LAUSD and all LA County K-12 students—that the BRU has worked on for years including with the LAUSD board
- Free Public Transportation for all LA County Community College students.
- Free Public transportation for all LA County residents—garment workers, hotel workers, home care workers, security guards, unemployed, under-employed, houseless—that is EVERYBODY.
- No means or income tests
- No enrollment process
Join us tomorrow at 11am pst to urge board member to support the Bus Riders Union. Please find call in instructions below and/or use the button below to view the virtual meeting from your browser.
From Metro:
Live Public Comment Instructions:
Live public comment can only be given by telephone.
The Board Meeting begins at 11:00 AM Pacific Time on May 27, 2021; you may join the call 5 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
Dial-in: 888-251-2949 and enter
English Access Code: 8231160#
Spanish Access Code: 4544724#
Public comment may be taken at the beginning of the meeting or as the Board takes up each item. To give public comment on an item, enter #2 (pound-two) when prompted. Please note that the live video feed lags about 30 seconds behind the actual meeting. There is no lag on the public comment dial-in line.