In Video Interviews

Elmo Gomez and Channing Martinez from Toronto Learning Exchange on #PoliceFreeSchools

Elmo Gomez

interview with Elmo Gomez of Labor Community Strategy Center captured during our Police-Free Schools Toronto Learning Exchange. Gomez details his views on solidarity, the legacy of slavery and oppression in our communities and why he thinks #policefreeschools are an example of reparations in practice. 

Channing Martinez

Interview with Channing Martinez:Today we’re taking a look back at our final days during the Police Free Schools Toronto Learning Exchange. 

Channing Martinez of Labor Community Strategy Center and Fight for the Soul of the Cities reflects on what #policefreeschools would mean to his community:

“Getting rid of police for students, for teacher,for parents; the whole community – is a very big transformative demand. We’re not just looking for reform, but we want to rid the criminalization part of the system.”

Join the Fight for the Soul of the Cities No Police in LAUSD Schools Campaign Here: