We need your help top call on the MTA Board to implement the Bus Riders Union Free Public Transportation Plan at the Next Metro Board Meeting.
1) Free Public Transportation for all LAUSD students when they return to school
2) Free Public Transportation for all MTA riders until December 31.
3) In 2021 work to continue free fares for all. If at any time fares are charged, agree that fares will never be higher than $50 a month for an unlimited ride Bus/Rail pass and 50 cents with free transfers for one way rides
4) Stop all fare collections to avoid inevitable anti-Black racial profiling, all passengers on the honor system and those who cannot afford to pay will not be harassed
Help today by making a call to the MTA board members to urge them to implement free public transportation. Then email us to let us know your experience; what did they day? Did the you get to speak to the elected official? Did they take any down information from you; name, call back number, address or zip code? Send us the details of your calls now to: info@thestrategycenter.org

Board members
Phillip Washington: (213) 922-7555
Eric Garcetti: (213) 978-1028
Hilda Solis: (213) 974-4111
Mark Ridley-Thomas: (213) 974-2222
Sheila Kuehl: (213) 974-3333
Janice Hahn: (213) 974-4444
Kathryn Barger: (213) 974-5555
Petition text:
Hi, this is (Name) Can I speak to (Board Member Name)
I’m with (Organization Name) and live in (community)
I’m calling to urge Board Member _______ to support the Bus Riders Union by introducing a motion at this month’s Board meeting for Free Public Transportation.
This includes Free Public Transportation for all LAUSD Students, Free Public Transportation for All Metro Passengers till December 31, 2020, with a Plan to make it free permanently.
and finally I urge you to stop all fare collections on the Metro and at metro stations and bus stops. This is the absolute only way the Metro can stop the Anti Black Racial profiling currently occurring on the buses and trains.
We need an Honor system for all passengers, and a commitment that no one who cannot afford to pay will not be harassed.
I’d like a call back from the Board member to hear their commitment to this plan, and I can be reached at (your phone number)