In Upcoming Events

Join The Strategy Center at the Pan African Film Festival

for the Great Film BUS RIDERS UNION by Haskell Wexler

February 12, 2019 @6pm

In 1997, encouraged by Michelle Prichard of the Liberty Hill Foundation, academy award Cinematographer Haskell Wexler approached Eric Mann and the Strategy Center about doing a feature length documentary about our work. We were honored and thrilled. For 3 years, Haskell, as revolutionary artist, became part of our movement as he documented every move we made. Released in 2000, the film ends with a major victory in civil rights law and organizing—the decision by the federal courts to force the Los Angeles MTA to buy 532 new buses that later became 2500 through our continued organizing work. Today, the Strategy Center is still fighting, now for Free Public Transportation and an end to MTA Attacks on Black Passengers. Bus Riders Union is a brilliant documentary of a real movement of Black and Latino bus riders in real time, Making History. Today, as the world at times seems bleak and depressing, find real hope in real organizing and help us continue this mission. We are so proud to be an Official Selection of the Pan African Film Festival.

Join us for a great film and conversation

Tuesday, February 12, 2019 @6pm

Baldwin Hills Cinemark Theater

Tickets on Sale Now

General Admission Tickets $15       Donor Tickets  $25  $50  $100 (Please support our work)