Join Your Friends at the Labor/Community Strategy Center
Holiday Party
Saturday December 15, 2018 11am to 3pm
Strategy and Soul Movement Center
3546 Martin Luther King Blvd. at Crenshaw LA CA 90008
- A Great People’s Pot Luck—bring your best work
- Great fried chicken, mac and cheese, the Eric Mann Caesar Salad, tamales, vegan food, we don’t play!
- Mac and Cheese and Potato Salad Cook Off—bring enough for 25 people at least—everyone who tastes has a vote—“Bring it”
- A Karaoke Sing Off—even at the holidays this is a tough crowd but we have a lot of talented people—are you one of them?
- Political Panel—Optimism in 2018, 2019 and beyond—In the face of the Terrible Trumps and the Dismal Democrats Where is the Movement, Where is the Hope?
- A wonderful graduation ceremony of our 11 high school graduates of our Senior Strategy Seminar
- A 50/50 raffle—all tickets are $2, the more we raise the more we share—50% to the winner/50% to the Strategy Center
- Bring you congas, maracas, instruments, dance shoes, singing voice
Sincerely Your Friends
Eric Mann, Barbara Lott-Holland, Channing Martinez, Elmo Gomez, Stephanie Prieto, Bridgette Amaya, Norma Henry, Herman Henderson, Shepherd Petit, Inaya Logan, Makela Brown, Keven Herrera, Dana Diaz, Andres Rosales, Emily Zamora, Sonissa Norman, DT Evans
[tweetshare tweet=”Join Your Friends at the Labor/Community Strategy Center Holiday Party Saturday December 15, 2018 11am to 3pm” username=”@fightsoulcities”]
[tweetshare tweet=”LCSC PANEL: Optimism in 2018, 2019 and beyond—In the face of the Terrible Trumps and the Dismal Democrats Where is the Movement, Where is the Hope? Join us on December 15th at #StrategyAndSoul” username=”@FightSoulCities”]